Sunday, March 27, 2011

3/24/11 SUP Training Journal 1 mile Sprints & SUP rides in the pool while wearing a kilt?


Super Busy Day Today

My gym, Harbour Island Athletic Club is hosting a huge party tonight so there is lots to be done. I also have marketing to do to for Brody and I's demo tomorrow to launch the partnership between HIAC and Stand Up Fitness to bring SUP to downtown Tampa. It's going to be 14 hr work day, but let's be honest I don't really work I have fun all day.

4 1 mile SUP sprints.

I met my SUP training buddy Jeff Comer at the Post Harbour dock and we were in for a windy one.
Our goal was to gps out 1 mile intervals along Bayshore so we didn't always have to rely on a watch.
By the time we got to the harbour island bridge it felt like I was on a treadmill. I knew an audible would be called. I made it .75 miles to the Davis Island bridge, but Comer was way far back and there were actual white cap swells coming off the bay. I turned around and we decided to head up the hilsborough river towards I275. I enjoyed this route as I hadn't gone this way yet. We made it 2 intervals out and decided to head back. We were both flirting with the over training line so I wasn't trying to be any one's hero today. After each mile interval we took full rest about 3 mins and talked a little. We completed 3 full intervals and about 3.5 miles when we made it back to Comer's dock. He called it a day and I finished up with some sprints to buoy turns until I totaled 4 miles in 58 mins.
Overall happy with my performance considering fatigue level and the 20 mph winds. I'm going to take it easy the next couple of days to save up for a big training run on Sunday.

Too much fun
So the party at HIAC was called the shamrock shake. We are aware that St. Patrick's day was a week ago, but we decided to throw an Irish themed blast anyway. Our parties are quite ridiculous with food from over a dozen different vendors. Pizza, Sushi, French, Mexican, you name it we had it. Our members washed it down with complimentary beer and wine while watching Irish dancers and listening to a live band.However, I might have been the most entertaining part of the evening. I dropped my YOLO original into the pool to market our upcoming programs and before you know it I had 10 kids lined up wanting rides! This was way too much fun. Some of the kids might have been over the weight limit as I nearly sank or fell in a couple of times. 2 kids turned into 3 on the board and the next thing you know I was exhausted and made a run for it. What a cool night!

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