Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4/4/11 EET Power workout

Happy Monday

The potential of the average person is like am huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.” Brian Tracy

People dread Monday's. I embrace them. It's a chance to start a new and move closer towards my potential. Get your minds right.

EET Power Workout
Possible SUP sprints (thunder storms in forecast for Tuesday)

Workout Summary
One of the privileges of being a Personal Training Manager is that you can have new trainer's train you. My newest teammate Larissa coached me through my drawn up workout. Thank you Larissa for keeping me on task. We all need a coach and preform better with a set of eyes on us. This is week 3 of the EET Power phase. I am feeling a little more explosive and my strength is going up on cleans and other Olympic lifts. My left shoulder is still a little tweaked, but isn't affecting me that much.

Dynamic Warm Up (Larissa's lead) she made me do a suicide the end of the warm up. That's just cruel.

Core Block-
KB Triangles
Plank (reach & rotation) Was surprised how hard this was. Loved it. good choice Larissa
MB Sit ups- always fun to throw Medicine balls around

3 sets of each block with approx 1 minute rests between blocks
Block 1
Cleans (155 X 5)
DB Jump Squat and Press (1 vertical 2 lateral 3 transverse) 10 reps

Block 2
Towel Pullups (good for grip, much harder) X 5
Lat Pulls (light and fast, it's all about speed) X 10

Block 3
DB Incline Press 85's X 5
Lateral Plyo Pushups BW X10

Block 4
Low Row (75's X 5) X5
FM Lawn mowers X 10

Block 5
FM Cable Press
FM Twist punch press

Overall a great workout. Having Larissa there made me work about 15% harder than I would have solo. This was a good mix of traditional meat head moves with a modern 3d approach. My entire body is pretty spent.

I was toast from my 11 he work day and I wasn't up for a down winder with winds about 20mph. Looks like the forecast has the storm pushing out in the early afternoon. I'll try to get some sprint intervals in on Tuesday around sunset.

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