Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3/23 SUP Training Journal EET Power Workout 2

Goal EET Work 2

It was my turn to kick my trainer Jason Grace's ass. He hasn't used this phase much so this would be fun.
Remember EET phase goal is to
- enhance neuromuscular efficiency (brain body connection, how fast and efficient I can control motor skills)
- enhance prime mover strength
- increase rate of force production
- enhance speed strength
I'll be in this phase till 4/22. Hopefully you will see a powerful guy at the first WPA race on the 23rd.

1 minute rest between rounds of each block 3 sets of each.
Block 1
DL Power Pull   135 X 5  (from the ground using dead lift form powerfully perform an explosive upright row)
DB Burpee  10's X :10sec (got about 7 reps in before we burned out of ATP)
Cone Hop  (dynamic balance drill focusing on shifting directions laterally and in sagital plane, similar to "cross" hops.

Block 2
DB Bench Lunge 30's X 5  (just enough wait to pre exhaust R leg then immediately into R leg of next exercise and then go back for Left leg)
Single Leg Knee Drive  BW X 10 (from lunge use arm and opposite knee to explode off the ground)
Latter- ali shuffle, crossover,

Block 3
FM Lat Pull- 60 lb plate X 5
Spider Man's- from a squat and perform lat pull, jump as high and as far as you can letting the cables lift you like spider man. Perform 10 reps explosively)
Rope Slams- Who doesn't like to throw :10sec temper tantrum's

Block 4
Incline Press- 70 lb DB's X 5
MB Toss- 14lb soft MB- Jason and I tossed at each other, try to absorb and get rid of quickly like a VB set
Fists of fury- :10 sec on the punching bag all out

Block 5
Prone Bench Row- From a pushup position on a bench rowed a KB X 5
FM Hop rows- explosivly preform a cable row hopping backwards as you pull and forward to load
Rope battle- Alternate arm temper tantrum- was pretty gassed by here

Block 6
Plate Pushup- an incline pushup feet on bench with 45 lb plate on low back X 5
Side to side pushups- from knees explode as far and as high laterally on each pushup

Cool down- band stretch
a game of hoops

Felt great again today. I really enjoy this training phase. Jason did well today. He ran out of a little steam.
You peeps should look into the rope slam training. I'll work on a video for this once I get my new one in I ordered today.

Going to do something active at sunset time. Maybe a sunset paddle cruise, maybe to the beach for "crack ball" Find a way to burn 300-500 calories through something relaxing and fun! It all adds up. I got 11 lbs to loose before 5/14.

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